One moment it was there doing so galantly what it was supposed to do. The very next moment it was no more. One moment it was protecting me from the rain and hail. The next moment its spokes were violently twisted and broken by the wind. In a way, I was the reason for the gruesome end of the umbrella. I should have carefully adjusted its position when I turned 90 degrees at the traffic signal. Well, I have my reasons. My left sock was soaked and my foot was freezing and numb. I was too busy wondering how water got into the my left shoe [I later found out that it is developing a crack at the bottom]. A momentary lapse of concentration and the umbrella was deformed beyond recognition. Nature has got its own vicious ways of getting back at me. Damn.
That was my fourth umbrella that had literally
gone by the wind this season. Anyway, life goes on. It had served its purpose so valiantly and it was time to move on. I stuck it to the nearest wastebin. A few more broken umbrellas were already dumped in that wastebin. Mass burial, I suppose. I would rather consider that the brave umbrella found its place among the other members of its own species that met with similar destiny, than using the cruel term – mass burial.
I was drenched, cold and tired by the time I reached office. By some errie coincidence,
Zinda hoon main (from 3:15 mins) was playing on
Sahana during my journey. A original track and two remixed versions - It was like listening to it on a loop at different beats and pace. When I finally reached office, I was like, “Wow! Zinda hoon main”.
The other morning it was quite windy and rainy and I had some tough decisions to make. Small or big umbrella? I chose the bigger one. Where should I get down – at the bus stop closer to office from where I have to walk across a stretch of open space, or at the stop slightly farther which has buildings along the way to office? I have already experienced how difficult it is to walk along that open space with an umbrella on a windy and rainy day. I even suspect that the wind could airlift me to the office if I am not overweight the way I am. So, I got down at the bus stop farther from the office. The buildings along the path were not as helpful as I had thought. The spokes of my bigger umbrella still got bent and I was soaked when I reached the office.
I still am not able to figure out which one is better against wind – smaller or bigger umbrella. Is the smaller one less effective because it is small and week? Or, is the bigger one more vulnerable because it has larger surface area for the wind to attack at and thereby to exert more pressure? My half-baked knowledge in Physics doesn’t help me to find the correct answer.
Recently I find myself drenched in rain very often. Then I get a running nose for an hour or two. I can sense the viruses conspiring a major strike against me. Haha... They don’t know that I have been through
cold very recently and am currently immune to it. Those microscopic morons underestimate Inder’s immunity system. They don’t understand that they are actually strengthening my immunity by their frequent raids and that they have to wait for around a year to make any substantial effect on me.
My favorite thing about cold days is that, on these days I will be able to blow smoke. I absolutely love it. And then the voice-inside-my-head says, “You never had the guts to smoke cigarette and will never have, you loser. No wonder you amuse yourself with this petty-pleasure”.
P.S.: Late in that evening I learnt from BBC that a tornado attacked central London. Oops! That was close. I am right across the North Sea.