Location: Madras, India

Friday, November 10, 2006

‘Cold’ Ka Side Effect

I love my life. I really do. Well, most of the times. The voice-inside-my-head often tries to convince me that I indeed am a dharthi-ka-bhoj, but I rarely heed to it. There are very few moments in my life when I feel like a scum. Like, when I meet an old friend after years and realize, to my own terror, that I have forgotten his name. When babies start crying at the top of their voices when I go near them. Whenever I have to stand by the side of some six-foot-two-inches guy. When I concede a game by serving four straight double-faults. When I forget my own telephone number. When I have to sing ‘Happy birthday to you’. I generally get away with it by giving a classy lip-sync, when the crowd is large. I run out of luck in smaller crowd. It is on those occasions that the world knows that I know neither the lyrics nor the rhythm of the most popular song in English.

And then, I feel like trash when I fell sick. Falling sick, unable to look after yourself, depending on others... Pathetic, isn't it? I certainly am not fond of being sick.

The temperature has drastically fallen during the last few days. It often rains and sometimes even hails. The sun hides behind the clouds for days together. With the kind of shabby history that I have with cold, I should have taken more precautions. Walking in drizzles, jogging in mist, taking chilled drinks – I did everything to invite cold. And cold did accept my invitation graciously.

I was at the flat, miserable with running nose and marathon sneezes.
Shinoj: Take Lemon Tea, yaar. Good for you...
Me: I just had some chilled Lemon Tea.
Shinoj: Chilled! Good for your viruses.

Jamie: Chew some raw peppers.
Me: And I will not be able to sense any other taste for the whole day.
Jamie: It is not that bad, Inder. The taste of pepper stays only for an hour or so.
Shinoj: It is the garlic whose stink stays all day.
Jamie: Yeah. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Garlic a day keeps everybody away.

Chellax: And you have been running away from apples and oranges...
Me: But I take apple and orange juices.
Chellax: Those juices have artificial flavours, not the real fruits.
Me: Do you think oranges prevent cold?
Jamie: Yeah. Oranges have citric acid and citric acid does a lot of things.

When you are sick, anything and everything that you have done or not done all along your life shall be sited as the reason for your sickness. Sickness also brings a complete change to your routine life. No chilled juice, no heavy food, no bath, no jogging, no workout. Sleep, more sleep and plenty more sleep.

When my dad called, I had to take extra care not to sound sick. I hope he didn’t doubt my chirpier-than-usual tone. Who would want a light cold to scare the parents back home? A harmless lie is not a sin.

I had two options – Pyar Ka Side Effect and Water. John Abraham or Rahul Bose. I don’t mind any of them. Lisa Ray or Mallika. Both are gorgeous women. A realistic weepy movie or a light comedy. I chose the comedy and I was glad that I did so.

Then I read around half of Michael Crichton’s Prey. It is a nice science fiction. The author tries to scare you about a bizarre development of the combination of Nanotechnology, Genetics and Computer Science. It is good read. Hope I will be able to finish it during the weekend.


Blogger Sharda said...

Hey Inder how are you now?So sad to read that ou are sick.You know what,I hate when people say "jara sa sardii he to hai".But I consider the worst sickness,But then it just a matter of 3-4 days and the good thing is you are building immunity in your body,even though on a high cost.
Hope to see you well soon,Take care.

Friday, November 10, 2006 12:33:00 PM  
Blogger Visithra said...

get well soon ;)

Friday, November 10, 2006 8:51:00 PM  
Blogger chitra said...

Get well soon! Just recalled a remark by a clientwhen she saw me sufferng from cold " Take care of your cold, dear" and I retorted back saying, it looks I have been aking too good care of it that it is not leaving me".

Sunday, November 12, 2006 8:36:00 PM  
Blogger Artnavy said...

A cold takes either 7 days with medication or a week without
so get well and take care

loved the previous post

Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:37:00 PM  
Blogger Inder said...

i am 'teek-taak'. zara sa sardii he tha... hahaha :D

thank you ji. i am alright now :)

haha.. just ill-treat cold by not taking any medicine and it will run away...

yeah... cold comes and leaves... but, i like making a great fuss when i have cold... just to get some attention :P

Monday, November 13, 2006 5:14:00 AM  
Blogger Life Lover said...

"When you are sick, anything and everything that you have done or not done all along your life shall be sited as the reason for your sickness." SO true. The sick person is made to feel like a criminal nah? My aunt told me the other day "I am sure you went out wearing a spagetti top to the club thats why you got a cold." Now Now, 32 degrees mein spagetti top, who am I arnold's sister kya?!

Monday, November 13, 2006 9:33:00 AM  
Blogger Life Lover said...

BTW, get well soon :)

Monday, November 13, 2006 9:33:00 AM  
Blogger Itchingtowrite said...

get well soon. me too lip synch happy birthday & i had to sing aloud for my kids.. cud nt ditch that one

Monday, November 13, 2006 11:33:00 PM  
Blogger Inder said...

life lover,
haha.. 32 degrees what? celsius is apt for spagetti tops. if fahrenheit, that would probably be the last trip in this life :P
arnold? are you by any chance referring to the opening scene of 'red heat' where arnie dressed in a microscopic attire thrashes some similarly attired thug in a snow covered area?? anyway, i adore arnie :D
thanks. i am perfectly fine now :)

lip-syncing happy-birthday-to-you is a horrible experience... every single time. everybody around us know that we are lip-syncing. and we know that the others know that we lip-sync. still we never fail to do it every time. horrible :(

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 6:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got here to wish you well and found that you are already on the road to recovery. Hope you stay in fine health the whole winter.
I am hoping that your diet now doesnot consist of lemon tea, oranges, apples, garlic and pepper to prevent further episodes :)
Ps. Did you watch Water?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:20:00 AM  
Blogger Artnavy said...

You are tagged on Pending Visits

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger Inder said...

nah. i am back to cola, fries and chips... with vengeance :)
water... not yet. the dvd still lies on our table. i think i will be left alone to watch it. my flatmates are not very fond of it. may be this weekend...

oops. i feel that your 'pending visits' is a bit out of my scope... my weird personality doesn't include travels and destinations :(
anyway, i'll try to do it :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:48:00 AM  
Blogger Life Lover said...

it was 32 F and that's why it was a ridiculous comment she made! BTW by arnold i meant arnold schwarzeneger (did i get the spelling right!):) i guessed only his sis would have the guts to wear a skimpy top in biting cold.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 3:56:00 PM  
Blogger Inder said...

life lover,

Friday, November 17, 2006 7:17:00 AM  

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