Location: Madras, India

Monday, March 09, 2009

Tale of two shoes

Have you ever thought why you did certain thing the way you did it and not a certain other way? Well, I do it all the time. I got the boots alright. Why didn’t I notice that it is hard soled and it is so noisy that people turn around expecting to see a horse when I walk? I wear my headphones and pretend not hear anything.

I had in fact admired those noisy army boots when I was in NCC. That was like a million years ago during my under graduation. It was a short but horrible experience. I learnt a few things about myself before I was kicked out of NCC. I cannot shout even if it is to save my own life (I prefer to describe the situation as that of delicate vocal cord). I cannot walk straight, let alone marching.

I hope I had chosen a less-pointed pair of shoes. Scared people jumping out of my way, is all fine. But, why don’t I see many wearing pointed shoes? Is it true that they belong to the 80s fashion?



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