Location: Madras, India

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Final Destination III

A bunch of students visit a theme park (an eerie one) sort of place. They decide to go on a roller coaster ride. One of them has this vicious vision that the roller coaster ride would take them straight to their graves. She freaks out and steps out of the roller coaster, making a few others to miss the ride. But then, they discover that they hadn’t missed much, when the roller coaster crashes killing everybody on board.

That is just the beginning of the movie. The girl then finds out that those who were supposed to ride the roller coaster were destined to die and destiny would catch them all no matter how far they run away. This is exactly what happens in the rest of the movie. Spooky, isn’t it? And, I wished I hadn’t watched the movie.

By the end of the movie all its characters die. And they die more than once. The scriptwriter deserves a doctorate for depicting death in all unimaginable ways. My foot. A pair is super-tanned to death, one is literally nailed, and one is squashed like a mosquito. The screen is painted red – all blood and gore.

Worst of all, it will make you shudder with disgust at the thought of usually harmless things like fair, gym, train, roller coaster, tanning machine, etc. I am seriously thinking about skipping the entire genre of horror movies. At least, I should avoid watching them on big screen. I am perfectly content with the comedies, animations and romatic movies.

Just to get my mind out of what I had watched, I saw V for Vendetta (the Dutch pronounce it as ‘Fee for Fendetta’) in the very next show. While traveling back home, I was shocked when my friend said that Final Destination was better than V for Vendetta. Oh my God. Seems sadism and thrill are too close. What was sadism to me was thrill to my friend. This one is the third of the FD sequel. I then read that people find FD-III more thrilling than its previous episodes. Does this guarantee a FD-IV and more? Oh my good God.


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